



Ortho-K Lenses in Davis, CA

Manage Your Child’s Myopia with Ortho-K

As parents, our biggest priority is keeping our kids safe and healthy. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is one of the most prevalent issues that kids face. It affects over a third of all children in the United States, and it is highly disruptive for their hobbies, education, and general well-being. One of the most important tools we have in our myopia management toolbox is Ortho-K lenses, which can decrease the impact of myopia and lower your kids’ long-term risk of disease.

Why Aren’t Glasses Enough for Nearsightedness?

ARMD is a common aging disorder that impacts the central retina known as the macula. This is the most important part of the retina, because the macula is responsible for your central vision and your clarity. ARMD is more common in Caucasians and females. There are two types of AMD: wet and dry. Underlying systemic factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes play a role in ARMD and its progression. Nutrition, exercise, sun exposure, and smoking also have a large impact.

Ortho-k is a Long-Term Solution

Enter orthokeratology lenses, or Ortho-k. The best way to think of Ortho-k lenses is as “eye retainers,” because they are worn at night and are designed to help the eye hold its spherical shape. Because myopia causes the eyes to elongate, orthokeratology lenses can help slow down or even prevent deformation. Your child can also see during the day without assistance from contacts or glasses, helping them focus on school, sports, and their social lives without prescription eyewear. And the best part is the long-term results: with Ortho-K contacts, your child may experience decreased myopia symptoms and enjoy a reduced risk of contracting eye diseases — benefits that last a lifetime.

The Team Behind Your Myopia Management Care

We know you expect top-notch care for your children. Our team has the warmth, experience, and child-friendly tech to accurately monitor your child’s eyes. Our goal is to create a tailor-made, results-driven plan that has your child’s best interests at heart.

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