



Cataract Surgery Diagnosis & Support in Davis, CA

Trust Helmus Optometry for Your Cataract Surgery Referral

There are two unavoidable truths about cataracts: most people will eventually develop cataracts as they age, and the only way to fix your vision is through cataract surgery. At Helmus Optometry, we will provide you with a status report on your cataracts and how they are impacting your life, help you determine when to go forward with cataract surgery, guide you through the referral process, and help you design your refractive goals for life after cataract surgery. We have a great referral network of skilled cataract surgeons in the Sacramento valley. As your primary eye care doctors, nobody is better equipped to guide you through this process.

​​​​​​​What Are Cataracts?

Picture a car window slowly getting foggy in cold air – that's kind of what happens to your eyes when they develop cataracts. Common cataract symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty seeing at night, and colors appearing faded. These changes to your vision happen slowly, so it will be hard for you to notice them on your own. That's why regular eye exams with our experienced team are important.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Why Is It Important to Diagnose & Treat Cataracts Early?

Symptoms associated with cataracts worsen over time, and the only proper treatment is cataract surgery. Many of our patients wish they had elected to pursue cataract surgery, because they are so thrilled with their outcomes. Cataracts affect your quality of life, and they become harder to remove as the crystalline lens gets denser. Cataracts can also increase your risk of falls and hip fractures, and are linked to dementia.

​​​​​​​Why Choose Helmus Optometry for Cataract Surgery Support

At Helmus Optometry, we’ve guided thousands of patients through the process of cataract surgery. We understand that while some patients dread the eventual diagnosis of cataracts, others are eager for the procedure. We want you to be happy with your post-operative vision. Cataract surgery is a refractive surgery, and you have a choice: do you want both eyes designed for distance? Both eyes designed for reading or the computer? What about one eye for distance and one for reading (monovision)? Some of our patients elect upgrades such as multifocal implants. We are also keen to recommend that you correct your astigmatism, if you qualify, with a toric implant. Ready for a brighter outlook? Schedule your appointment with us today and let us work with you to restore your sight!

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