Dr Mark Helmus & Dr Joann Helmus

Dr Mark Helmus & Dr Joann Helmus

Dr Mark Helmus & Dr Joann Helmus

Dr Mark Helmus & Dr Joann Helmus

Dr. Mark Helmus & Dr. Joann Helmus



Dr. Mark Helmus retired in February 2019 and Dr. Joann Helmus in July 2020. They are both busy with new projects and are grateful to be healthy. They especially enjoy taking care of their grandsons two days a week.

2021 Update from Dr. Mark:

Julie tells me that many of you are asking how Joann and I are doing. Thanks! So, I'm writing an update on our activities in case you really are interested. We live on a remote hill in Vacaville. The [2020 Lightning Complex] fire almost got our home. Every bit of vegetation burned but our three structures survived. Half of our neighbors lost their homes. The hills are greening up before my eyes as I write this.

Our grandsons, Julie and Ryan's kids, stay over at our place two days a week. They play with my tools (don't tell Julie), throw rocks and sticks, jump on the trampoline, and boy-handle our cats with love. They keep coming back so they must like us.

Joann runs, reads, and cooks. She does quite a bit of all of those. She not-so-secretly dreams of binge-watching The Crown but falls asleep in one episode.

I finished my 340 sq ft tiny house. It has a full bath and kitchen. It was equal parts working and watching YouTube. I enjoyed the journey as much as the finished product!

I also wrote a novel. Weird, huh? Called Red Cards, it's about youth soccer, parents behaving badly, and relationships. This project was about the journey also. I have immense respect now for real writers and read books with a totally new perspective.

You can find Joann at the office but you have to look hard; she occasionally fills in for the other doctors. I miss catching up with my patients but have to say I'm happy tackling new projects.

Stay well, Mark

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