Eddie S.

Eddie S.

Eddie S.

Eddie S.

Pedro "Eddie" Sanchez (Optical Apprentice)


City of Birth: Travis Air Force Base, CA
Language Spoken: English
In Optical Since: December 2020
LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS/DEGREES: B.S in Biological Sciences from UC Davis
Years of Optical Experience: One
What do you love about the Eye Care F‪ield? Being a part of a team that is focused and committed to community development through vision.
FAVORITE PART OF THE WORK DAY: Spending time and working with a team of experienced and motivated co-workers.
SIDE HUSTLES/PASSIONS/HOBBIES: Playing saxophone, basketball and learning about other cultures/music.
LITTLE KNOWN FACTS?: Both my parents are navy veterans. I also have a pet leopard gecko.
ONE THING THAT CAN INSTANTLY MAKE YOUR DAY BETTER: Food, music, friends or all three at once!

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